




I am passing a variable to a function that executes a query

The MySQL connection only occurs inside the function, and closes inside the function

I want to be able to safely escape strings BEFORE I send them to the function

I can't use mysql_real_escape_string because it requires a MySQL connection (which is only being made inside the function)

I know the simple answer would be to escape strings inside the function, but I cannot do this because I need to send some escaped, and some non-escaped parts of a string

For example, I need to run the function like this:

myquery("'" . escape_me("My string") . "'");

Notice I am sending two apostrophe's-- unescaped, with an escaped string inside. For this reason I can't do a blanket mysql_real_escape_string on arguments inside of myquery function.

I found the following code, suggesting that I could use it as an alternative to mysql_real_escape_string:

// escape characters
function escape_me($value) {
    $return = '';
    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($value); ++$i) {
        $char = $value[$i];
        $ord = ord($char);
        if($char !== "'" && $char !== "\"" && $char !== '\\' && $ord >= 32 && $ord <= 126)
            $return .= $char;
            $return .= '\\x' . dechex($ord);
    return $return;

I do not know if this function is safe from multibyte attacks, but I think I also need to undo the function every time I query

For example, inputting: Testing 3's "OK" is turned into Testing 3x27s x22OKx22 in the database

So my main question is: Do you know if there is another function I can use as an alternative to mysql_real_escape_string that will safely escape characters?

+3  A: 
  • It's terrible idea to connect every time you're calling this function. A good planned application wouldn't have such odd limitation.
  • you can use substitutions, like this
    myquery("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = %s","My string");

  • You can use another way of substitutions, a modern one: prepared statements. it will be described in numerous other answers.

as noone posted it yet, here is rough example

function fetchAll(){
 $args = func_get_args();
 $query = array_shift($args);
 $stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);
 return $stmt->fetchAll();
$a=$db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM users WHERE status=? LIMIT ?,?",$status,$start,$num);
  • As long as you're using single-byte encoding or utf-8, no need to use mysql_real_escape_string, so mysql_escape_string(deprecated) or addslashes would be enough
Col. Shrapnel
`mysql_escape_string` has been [deprecated](http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-escape-string.php) (in favor of `mysql_real_escape_string`), but other than that, good stuff. +1
thanks, I forgot that
Col. Shrapnel
That makes sense, connecting once for each pageload is better than connecting for each query - I can just do a db connect before the function runs, I was doing a connect inside thinking it was better to open and close connections for each query

I would suggest passing in an array of values to be escaped and using sprintf() format the query while escaping each of the values. Here is the first part of my query function:

public function querya($query, $args=null){
    //check if args was passed in
    if($args !== null){
        //if an array...
            //...escape each value in the args array
            foreach($args as $key=>$value){
                $args[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
            //add the query to the beginning of the args array
            array_unshift($args, $query);
            //call sprintf with the array as arguments to sprintf
            $query = call_user_func_array("sprintf", $args);
        } else {
            //if args is not an array, then string (single argument passed in).
            $query = sprintf($query, mysql_real_escape_string($args));

    //perform query, other stuff
Jonathan Kuhn
in the similar function I am adding quotes to %s wildcards, just as a foolproof, to be sure that no %s in the query left unquoted.
Col. Shrapnel
makes sense. This is used just by myself, so I usually write my queries like `$DB->querya("SELECT COLUMN FROM TABLE WHERE VALUE='%s' AND 1=%d",array('test',1));` and include the quotes around the %s inside the query when needed.
Jonathan Kuhn