




...using an iterative procedure (no hash table)?

It's not homework. And by mode I mean the most frequent number (statistical mode). I don't want to use a hash table because I want to know how it can be done iteratively.


Definitely sounds like homework. But, try this: go through the list once, and find the largest number. Create an array of integers with that many elements, all initialized to zero. Then, go through the list again, and for each number, increment the equivalent index of the array by 1. Finally, scan your array and return the index that has the highest value. This will execute in roughly linear time, whereas any algorithm that includes a sort will probably take NlogN time or worse. However, this solution is a memory hog; it'll basically create a bell plot just to give you one number from it.

Remember that many (but not all) languages use arrays that are zero-based, so when converting from a "natural" number to an index, subtract one, and then add one to go from index to natural number.

Your array of integers is effectively a hash table, with a perfect hash.
well :-P to you too. ;-)

If you don't want to use a hash, use a modified binary search trie (with a counter per node). For each element in the array insert into the trie. If it already exists in the trie, increment the counter. At the end, find the node with the highest counter.

Of course you can also use a hashmap that maps to a counter variable and will work the same way. I don't understand your complaint about it not being iterative... You iterate through the array, and then you iterate through the members of the hashmap to find the highest counter.

I think these ideas also violate the "no hashtable" requirement.

OK Fantius, how bout this?

Sort the list with a RadixSort (BucketSort) algorithm (technically O(N) time; the numbers must be integers). Start at the first element, remember its value and start a count at 1. Iterate through the list, incrementing the count, until you reach a different value. If the count for that value is higher than the current high count, remember that value and count as the mode. If you get a tie with the high count, remember both (or all) numbers.

... yeah, yeah, the RadixSort is not an in-place sort, and thus involves something you could call a hashtable (a collection of collections indexed by the current digit). However, the hashtable is used to sort, not to calculate the mode.

I'm going to say that on an unsorted list, it would be impossible to compute the mode in linear time without involving a hashtable SOMEWHERE. On a sorted list, the second half of this algorithm works by just keeping track of the current max count.
