Hello. Maybe I'm being stupid but I can't figure out why a pointer is being changed in this function. I have included "printf" and "puts" to show the problem. The left braket pointer is changing and invalidates the pointer arithmetic I want to do for string manipulation.
Another question I have - Is it dangerous to expect char pointers to remain constant for the same string when using C functions and do the pointers always point to addresses in a contiguous manner for strings? I can see problems arising with those concerns.
Edit: "//Changes here" placed to function which appears to change the point under my debugging.
char * py_to_c_expr(char * py_expr,int line,bool do_brakets){
//Recursively converts python expression for use in C
Order of evaluation. Top done last
lambda - Not implemented yet
if – else - Not implemented yet
in, not in, is, is not, <, <=, >, >=, <>, !=, == - in, not in and is not, not implemented yet
& Bitwise AND
<<, >>
+, -
*, /, //, %
+x, -x, ~x - Positive useless
x[index], x[index:index], x(arguments...), x.attribute - Not implemented yet
(expressions...), [expressions...], {key:datum...}, `expressions...` - Not implemented yet
char * find;
//Convert "or", "and" and "is" to other characters to prevent conversion output confliction during processing
char * scan;
if (do_brakets) {
py_expr = str_replace(py_expr, "or", "OR");
py_expr = str_replace(py_expr, "and", "AND");
py_expr = str_replace(py_expr, "is", "IS");
//Convert brakets
int nest = 0; //Amount of brakets gone into for processing
//Stack to keep track of braket positions
char ** left_bracket_ptr_stack;
int left_bracket_ptr_stack_size = 0;
scan = py_expr;
while (true) {
char * prior_scan;
prior_scan = scan;
scan = strstr(scan, "(");
if (scan) {
if (scan) {
//Entered braket. Add start position to stack
left_bracket_ptr_stack = realloc(left_bracket_ptr_stack, sizeof(char *)*left_bracket_ptr_stack_size);
left_bracket_ptr_stack[left_bracket_ptr_stack_size] = scan;
printf("During left bracket scan:\n\nLeft braket pointer - %lli\nPython expression pointer - %lli\n",left_bracket_ptr_stack[left_bracket_ptr_stack_size],py_expr);
printf("Length of stack - %i\n\n\n",left_bracket_ptr_stack_size);
scan = prior_scan;
scan = strstr(scan, ")");
if (scan) {
if (scan) {
if (!nest) {
printf("Error: On line %i an expression closes too many brakets",line);
//Exited bracket, process expression for braket
puts("During right bracket scan and processing:\n\n");
int len = scan - left_bracket_ptr_stack[left_bracket_ptr_stack_size - 1];
char * inner_braket = malloc(sizeof(char) * (len - 1));
strncpy(inner_braket,left_bracket_ptr_stack[left_bracket_ptr_stack_size - 1],len - 1); //Changes here
char * bracket_expression = py_to_c_expr(inner_braket,line,true);
char * new_py_expr = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(py_expr) - strlen(inner_braket) + strlen(bracket_expression)));
printf("Left bracket pointer - %lli\n",left_bracket_ptr_stack[left_bracket_ptr_stack_size -1]);
printf("Length of stack - %i\n",left_bracket_ptr_stack_size);
printf("Python Expression pointer - %lli\n\n\n",py_expr);
strncpy(new_py_expr,py_expr,left_bracket_ptr_stack[left_bracket_ptr_stack_size - 1] - py_expr - 1);
new_py_expr[left_bracket_ptr_stack[left_bracket_ptr_stack_size- 1] - py_expr - 1] = '\0';
py_expr = new_py_expr;
scan = prior_scan;
if (nest) {
printf("Error: On line %i an expression does not close all brakets",line);
//Find operators and replace them with the functions. Recursively process each side.
char * new_expr;
scan = py_expr; //Reset scan to begining of the expression now that brakets are done
scan = strstr(scan, "OR");
if (scan) {
char * left_side = malloc(sizeof(char) * (scan - py_expr + 1));
char * right_side = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(py_expr) - strlen(scan)));
strncpy(left_side,py_expr,scan - py_expr);
left_side[scan-py_expr] = '\0';
strcpy(right_side,scan + 3);
char * new_left_side = py_to_c_expr(left_side,line,false); //Recursively process left
char * new_right_side = py_to_c_expr(right_side,line,false); //and right operands
new_expr = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(new_left_side) + strlen(new_right_side) + 5));
return new_expr;
return py_expr;
During left braket scan:
Left braket pointer - 4296016033
Python expression pointer - 4296016032
Length of stack - 1
During left braket scan:
Left braket pointer - 4296016034
Python expression pointer - 4296016032
Length of stack - 2
During left braket scan:
Left braket pointer - 4296016035
Python expression pointer - 4296016032
Length of stack - 3
During right braket scan and processing:
Left braket pointer - 3473436750496411705
Length of stack - 3
Python Expression pointer - 4296016032
Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
Thank you very much for any answer.