



I'm having a problem creating a C# P/invoke wrapper around a third party C library. In particular, the library has a method with the signature

int command(SomeHandle *handle, int commandNum, void *data, int datasize);

It is a wildcard method that does different things depending on commandNum. data can be a pointer to anything, like a single integer, or a char[], or a struct of some kind (my problem).

I have declared the wrapper as follows:

[DllImport("LIBRARY.DLL", EntryPoint = "command")]
public static extern int Command(IntPtr Handle, int CommandNum, [In, Out] IntPtr Data, int DataSize);

Now, when i call it with an opcode to fill a byte[] it works:

//WORKS, Buffer contains "library 1.0" after the call
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 128;
byte[] Buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
int BytesWritten = 0;
GCHandle BufferHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(Buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
    BytesWritten = Command(MyHandle, GET_VERSION, BufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), BUFFER_SIZE);

However, when I try the same with a simple struct, I cannot make it work, no matter what I try. the struct looks like this:

public struct FormatInfoType
    public int Format;
    public IntPtr Name; //const char* 
    public IntPtr Extension; //const char* 

Here I am supposed to fill "Format" with an int (say, 1) and then the call to "command(...)" is meant to give me back the name and extension fields

If I pass this struct, the code compiles and runs correctly, but the values in the struct are never modified. If I change the IntPtr's to Strings or StringBuilders (and I've tried a myriad of MarshalAs attributes), then I cannot get the IntPtr to the struct because the it becomes non-blittable and the GCHandle line throws an exception.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


I've tried many ways to call command() with the structure, but currently it looks like this:

FormatInfoType f = new FormatInfoType();
f.Format = 1;
f.Name = IntPtr.Zero;
f.Extension = IntPtr.Zero;

GCHandle fHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(f, GCHandleType.Pinned);
    Command(MyHandle, GET_FORMAT_INFO, fHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), Marshal.SizeOf(f));
+3  A: 

You can overload p/invoke signatures, try:

[DllImport("LIBRARY.DLL", EntryPoint = "command")]
public static extern int Command(IntPtr Handle, int CommandNum, ref FormatInfoType Data, int DataSize);
Ben Voigt
Thank you!!! Absolutely spot-on. It worked flawlessly.
You're welcome :)
Ben Voigt