I am storing a list of links to resources such as documents to be opened by Windows applications as well as web pages in a database and need to know how to open them in Windows.
For some webpages it will be achieved by passing parameters to a web browser process or executing the document and letting Windows decide what is the best application to open it.
However, there are some instances where the resource the user wants will require some automation involving mostly sending keystrokes, but also clicking through some forms for web applications.
To make this application flexible, my idea was to store scripts in a database of how to reach certain document types.
My question is what is the best format to store these scripts in a database and how should I execute them.
Options so far include:
CSharpCodeProvider - Creating automation tasks in C# code using existing automation libraries such as WatiN (for web browser automation) or an AutoIt wrapper (for desktop app automation).
Creating automation tasks in a scripting language that is just executed by C# code - running AutoIT directly
IronAHK - a complete rewrite of AutoHotkey in C# for .NET and Mono