


+1  A: 

Hi, its not possible to specify multiple filters in single GetFiles() method call. You can find alternatives here


you can try something like this:

 var query = from p in Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\").AsEnumerable()
                    where p.Contains(".c")
                    || p.Contains(".h")
                    select p;
No reason to call AsEnumerable here. GetFiles will have already filled the entire array.
Josh Einstein
+1  A: 

If you're using .NET 4.0, I'd go with Directory.EnumerateFiles:

var files = from f in Directory.EnumerateFiles("C:\\")
            where f.EndsWith(".c") || f.EndsWith(".h")
            select f;
Dan Tao
Only .Net 3.5 :)
@Yuriy: The only thing .NET 4.0 there is the use of `Directory.EnumerateFiles()`. Change it to `Directory.GetFiles()` and it should work just as fine.
Jeff M
@Jeff M: I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure @Yuriy wants to avoid calling `GetFiles()` to dodge the cost of populating a (potentially) huge `string[]` array.
Dan Tao
@Dan: If that were the case, then getting all files then filtering wouldn't be the best way to handle this then. ;) I figured Yuriy would like to apply these filters in a single call rather than writing two separate calls by hand which seems reasonable based on the answer that was chosen.
Jeff M
@Jeff: True -- but it'd still be cheaper (memory-wise) than `GetFiles()`, and would start returning values right away (without having to fetch all files first). But you're right; judging from the accepted answer, it seems the OP wasn't too concerned about that, actually.
Dan Tao

See How to get files with multiple extensions using extension methods.

Danny Chen

Here's some useful helper functions to simulate having multiple filters:

// .NET 4.0 friendly
public static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateFiles(string path, params string[] filters)
    return filters.Length == 0
        ? Directory.EnumerateFiles(path)
        : filters.SelectMany(filter => Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, filter));

// .NET 3.5 friendly
public static IEnumerable<string> GetFiles(string path, params string[] filters)
    return filters.Length == 0
        ? Directory.GetFiles(path)
        : filters.SelectMany(filter => Directory.GetFiles(path, filter));
Jeff M

For .Net 3.5.

public IEnumerable<string> GetFiles(
     string basePath, 
     params string[] searchPatterns)
    if (searchPatterns == null || searchPatterns.Length == 0)
        return Directory.GetFiles(basePath);

    return Enumerable.SelectMany(searchPatterns, 
                         p => Directory.GetFiles(basePath, p));


GetFiles(@"c:\", "*.c", "*.h");

you probably want to add some validation

Bear Monkey