



Hi FOlks,

ive got the problem that i dont know how to stop my function with mouseover and restart it with mouseout

first here is my test-code:

  <script type="text/javascript">

  function fadeEngine(x) {

  var total_divs=3; //setze hier die nummer der gewollten divs

                  var y=x;

                  if(x==total_divs) y=1; else y++;



                  setTimeout('fadeEngine('+y+')',3000); //modifi alle 3000 miliseconds nen neuen div

  fadeEngine(0); //Initialisation des Scripts


<script type="text/javascript">
            stop('mouse over');
            alert('mouse out');
      $(this).stop().fadeTo("slow", 1.00);
      $(this).stop().fadeTo("fast", 0.50);



<div id="container" style="width:200px;height:200px;background:#afafaf;color:#red;">

 <div id="fade1">Content  one</div>
 <div id="fade2" style="display:none">Content  two</div>
 <div id="fade3" style="display:none">Content three</div>
 <div class="blocker">&nbsp;</div>

How i can do this to stop my function fadeEngine if im go over the contentdiv and start it if im move out of the div?

thanks a lot for help


I'm not sure exactly what you want to happen with regards to your fadeIn and fadeOut effects in your fadeEngine, however, I can give you two pieces of advice:

You can use the jQuery effect stop() to stop all current jQuery animations on selected elements. For example:


Will stop the fading animation for that element in its current state. You can then reset the CSS if you wish.

To stop a function from being called that you previously queued with setTimeout, you must obtain the return value and call clearTimeout(). For example:

var timeout = setTimeout('fadeEngine('+y+')',3000);
// later...

This will clear the pending timeout event and prevent it from occurring.

Adam Bellaire

hi, the fadeEngine works fine. with the fadeIn/Out the content (div id=fade1, id=fade2...) will be animated.

i cant use $("#fade"+y).stop(); to stop the animation. The firebug reporting: y is not defined

$(document).ready(function(){ $("#fade"+y).stop(); });

because ive the numbers only in the fadeEngine(x).

I dont know what must to do to stop the correct fade1 id. so i testing to stop it with the #container id but it also doesnt work. $("#container").stop();

help please


If it's simply a case of attaching the animation to the mouse over bevahiour etc try this :

$(this).mouseover(function () {

    // stops the hide event if we move from the trigger to the popup element
    if (hideDelayTimer) clearTimeout(hideDelayTimer);

    // don't trigger the animation again if we're being shown, or already visible
    if (beingShown || shown) {
    } else {
      beingShown = true;

      // (we're using chaining) now animate
        //some animation stuff
      }, function() {
      // once the animation is complete, set the tracker variables
        beingShown = false;
        shown = true;
}).mouseout(function () {

    // reset the timer if we get fired again - avoids double animations
    if (hideDelayTimer) clearTimeout(hideDelayTimer);

     // store the timer so that it can be cleared in the mouseover if required
    hideDelayTimer = setTimeout(function () {
      hideDelayTimer = null;
         //some animation stuff
      }, function () {
      // once the animate is complete, set the tracker variables
        shown = false;
      }, hideDelay);
+1  A: 

Give all of your #fadeX elements a class (say .faders) and then use:


Or give the container div an id like #faderbox and say:

$('#faderbox div').stop();

im totaly desperate because it doesnt work... here the code again:

  <script type="text/javascript">

  function fadeEngine(x) {

    var total_divs=3; //setze hier die nummer der gewollten divs
 var y=x;

                  if(x==total_divs) y=1; else y++;
                  setTimeout('fadeEngine('+y+')',3000); //modifi alle 3000 miliseconds nen neuen div
      return x;

  fadeEngine(0); //Initialisation des Scripts

$('.faders').mouseover(function(){ $('.faders').stop(); });

<div id="container" style="width:200px;height:200px;background:#afafaf;color:#red;">

 <div id="fade1" class="faders">Content  one</div>
 <div id="fade2" class="faders" style="display:none">Content  two</div>
 <div id="fade3" class="faders" style="display:none">Content three</div>
 <div class="blocker">&nbsp;</div>

no idea what I still can do.......


Try applying the stop behaviour to each element that requires it e.g.

$('.faders').each(function () {
  $(this).mouseover(function () {

hi can you show me please the correct code? it doesnt work fine :(

im trying this here:

  <script type="text/javascript">

  function fadeEngine(x) {
    var total_divs=3; 
 var y=x;
  if(x==total_divs) {y=1;} 

  else {y++; }


  $('.faders').each(function () {

    $(this).mouseover(function () {




but im thinking i must make this here in the if statement: if(x==total_divs && !mouseover) {y=1;} else stop() the animation

but i dont know the soultion in JS with jQ