



Hi, I have a thirdparty .net dll being reference and used by my dll/class library project “A”. My console app project “B” references project “A”.

My problem is the thirdparty dll is not being copied to the build out for console app project “B”.

What’s the problem here? The thirdparty dll ref’d in my dll/class library is set to LocalCopy=true.

I'm using vs2008 and .net 3.5.

Thanks in advance

+2  A: 

Project B needs to explicitly reference the third party DLL, basically. References aren't assumed to be transitive. (If you try to use any classes in project A which expose types from the third party library, you'll even get a compilation error.)

It can be a pain, but at least it makes it clear what you're really dragging in.

Jon Skeet
Either way, you can build your console app B and library project A at the same time with a common OutDir, your third party dll will be here.<br /> Note also that if you had referenced dll and not project, it would have copied the third party library if it was in the same directory as your proj A dll.
Benjamin Baumann