




I'm using Debian Unstable kernel 2.6.32-5-openvz-amd64 (But I don't think it's a problem). After install and run our VEs for several month, our hard disk is nearly full and we add 3 more hard drives to make new RAID 5 Array, format it as ext4 then mount with location /openvz

I have a VE with ID 112, I desire to change its configuration to make private area from /var/lib/vz/private/112 (1) to /openvz/112 (2) After syncing all data from (1) to (2), I cannot start VE 112. I revert configuration back to original, but, when I use vzctl status 112:, it shows:

# vzctl status 112
VEID 112 exist mounted running

and cannot enter the ve:

# vzctl enter 112
enter into VE 112 failed

cannot stop or restart with error: Operation time out. I've tried many ways: try to umount, mount the private area, or use MAKEDEV to make tty or pty, using vzctl chkpnt 112 --kill but it does not work.

I dont want to reboot this server, it contains 2 others VEs that are running well without problem. If someone did face with same problem, please let me know your solutions.

Thank you very much,
