



In my web form I have a Textbox control. The TextChanged event of the Textbox is not triggering. AutoPostBack is set to true

What could be the reason for this? Here is the code:

protected void Textr_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


<asp:TextBox ID="Textr" TabIndex="10" Style="z-index: 117; left: 500px;
                            position: absolute; top: 158px" runat="server" Height="22px" Width="180px" MaxLength="50"
                            AutoPostBack="True"   CausesValidation="true"   OnTextChanged="Textr_TextChanged" 
+1  A: 

Are there any validation controls on the form along with this textbox? I see you have causesvalidation explicitly set to true (which I believe is the default state). Try removing that and see if it fires. If the postback is hung up on a validation control, your event handler will not fire.

My two cents.

Andy Evans
no :( not working even after removing causesvalidation.

Is it working in rest browsers? Don't forget that this event is fired then control is loosing focus. :) Try to click outside of textbox after inputing.

Yes try to have 2 TextBoxes and change the one with the event and Tab out of it to the next TextBox. See if this fires the event or not.
I have IE8, I'm using IE7 emulation feature and it is working well for me. Do you have testing code? Can you share it?

it may be messed up by some javascript you are using on the same page, or else you can make sure yourself if it is IE7 problem or not by making a sample for this. Very high level it looks like sonething related to javascript mess up.
