



Hello, I have a page where it displays a filtered model instance list and allows users to update some fields of it or add new fields as a form.

I am curious what wpuld be a clever way of doing this, to delete and resave all the input data or make comparison for each data and save edited / new fields& entities.

I would like to mind you that I use postgres for saving these values and I display around 20 entries for this form.

+2  A: 

The QuerySet object has the update() method - it's used in ie. Admin Panel for bulk updating multiple selected objects from change lists. Here is the method reference at django's official documentation.

How to use it:

Just create queryset with the models you want to update (assumng that MyModel has field named 'my_field'):

qs = MyModel.objects.all()

That's it - remember that update() method will not send any signals like the save() method - it will just run query directly to database.

As for 'adding fields via form' - I don't know if I got it right? You want to add additional related models or dynamically add fields to the model table on database?

If you want to add related models then use InlineFormset ( - it's quite easy to handle. Otherwise you have to add fields to models' _meta as described here:

thanks alot for pointing the essentials!