I have the code below, trying to get a product returned with all the relevant attributes.
I get no errors but I don't see any attributes in the "prod" variable.
private void frmProductDetail_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MagentoService service = new MagentoService();
MagentoServiceHelper help = MagentoServiceHelper.Instance;
catalogAttributeEntity[] attributes = service.catalogProductAttributeList(help.SessionID, AttributeSet); //AttributeSet is a property of the form
catalogProductRequestAttributes att = new catalogProductRequestAttributes();
string[] attlist = new string[attributes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
attlist[i] = attributes[i].code;
att.attributes = attlist;
catalogProductReturnEntity prod = service.catalogProductInfo(help.SessionID,
ProductId, "default", att, "sku"); //ProductId is a property of the form