I wrote a piped shell command that has multiple pipes in it that works great. I now want to put this in the form of a (tidy) shell script. Here is the script:
for number in `cat xmlEventLog_2010-03-23T* | sed -nr "/<event eventTimestamp/,/<\/event>/ {/event /{s/^.*$/\n/; p};/payloadType / {h; /protocol/ {s/.*protocol=\"([^\"]*)?\".*/protocol: \1/}; p; x; /type/ {s/.*type=\"([^\"]+)\".*/payload: \1/g}; /type/! {s/.*protocol=\"([^\"]+)\".*/payload: \1/g}; p};/sender / {/sccpAddress/ {s/.*sccpAddress=\"([^\"]*)?\".*/sccpAddress: \1/}; /sccpAddress/! {s/.*/sccpAddress: Unknown/}; p};/result /{s/.*value=\"([^\"]+)\".*/result: \1/g; p};/filter code/{s/.*type=\"([^\"]+)\".*/type: \1/g; p};}"| tee checkThis.txt| awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS=""; OFS=";"; ORS="\n"} $1~/result: Blocked|Modified/ && $2~/sccpAddress: 353201000001/ && $4~/payload: SMS-MO-FSM-INFO|SMS-MO-FSM/ {$1=$1 ""; print}' | sort | uniq -c| egrep "NUMBER_BLACKLIST|USER_BLACKLIST|NUMBER_WALLEDGARDEN|USER_WALLED_GARDEN|SERVICE_RESTRICTION|BLOCK_VOICE_TO_SMS|PEP_Blacklist_Whitelist" | awk '{print $1}'`; do fil="$fil+$number"
echo "fil is $fil"
I would like to tidy this up so that it is readable. The for loop which pipes into sed and awk is pig ugly to view. Has anybody got suggestions to tidy up this piped monstrosity. Would the pipes stop me from breaking this up onto different lines?
If you copy the lines above to notepad you will see what I mean about ugly (but functional)
Ok folks. Here is the final cleaned up version.
It was mentioned that the event_structure function could be done entirely in awk. I wonder if anybody could show me an example of how this could be done. The record separator would be set to /event and that would separate the events but it's the structures that are in events.txt (see below) that I'm interested in. The number outcome is immaterial.
The core of the code is in the event_structure function. I want to parse out the data and put it all into data structures for later inspection should the case arrise. The following works fine. On the line that starts with payloadType I need to parse out 2 values or set any missing values to Unknown. Is this totally awkable or is the sed/awk combination I have here the best way to do this?
event_structure() {
sed -nr "/<event eventTimestamp/,/<\/event>/ {
/event /{s/^.*$/\n/; p}
/payloadType / {h; /protocol/ {s/.*protocol=\"([^\"]*)?\".*/protocol: \1/}; p; x; /type/ {s/.*type=\"([^\"]+)\".*/payload: \1/g}; /type/! {s/.*protocol=\"([^\"]+)\".*/payload: \1/g}; p}
/sender / {/sccpAddress/ {s/.*sccpAddress=\"([^\"]*)?\".*/sccpAddress: \1/}; /sccpAddress/! {s/.*/sccpAddress: Unknown/}; p}
/result /{s/.*value=\"([^\"]+)\".*/result: \1/g; p}
/filter code/{s/.*type=\"([^\"]+)\".*/type: \1/g; p};}" xmlEventLog_2010-03-23T* |
tee events.txt|
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS=""; OFS=";"; ORS="\n"}
$1~/result: Blocked|Modified/ && $2~/sccpAddress: 353201000001/ && $4~/payload: SMS-MO-FSM-INFO|SMS-MO-FSM/ {$1=$1 ""; print}'
numbers=$(event_structure | sort | uniq -c | egrep "NUMBER_BLACKLIST|USER_BLACKLIST|NUMBER_WALLEDGARDEN|USER_WALLED_GARDEN|SERVICE_RESTRICTION|BLOCK_VOICE_TO_SMS|PEP_Blacklist_Whitelist" | awk '{print $1}')
addition=`echo $numbers | tr -s ' \n\t' '+' | sed -e '1s/^/fil is /' -e '$s/+$//'`
for number in $numbers
echo $addition=$(($fil))
Here is a section of the events.txt file produced:
result: Blocked
sccpAddress: 353869000000
protocol: SMS
payload: COPS
result: Blocked
result: Blocked
sccpAddress: 353869000000
protocol: SMS
payload: COPS
result: Blocked
result: Modified
sccpAddress: Unknown
protocol: IM
payload: IM
result: Modified
result: Allowed
sccpAddress: Unknown
protocol: MM1
payload: MM1
Here is the output:
$ ./bashShell.sh
fil is 2+372+1+1+214+73+1+20=684
Here is an output of just the function call:
$ ./bashShell.sh | head -10
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353201000001;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MO-FSM;type: TEXT_ANALYSIS;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353201000002;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MT-FSM;type: TEXT_ANALYSIS;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353201000005;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MO-FSM;type: SERVICE_BLACKLIST;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353201000021;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MT-FSM;type: NUMBER_BLACKLIST;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353201000033;protocol: IM;payload: IM;type: NUMBER_BLACKLIST;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353401009001;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MO-FSM;type: NUMBER_BLACKLIST;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353201000001;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MO-FSM;type: NUMBER_BLACKLIST;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353201000005;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MO-FSM;type: NUMBER_BLACKLIST;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353401000001;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MO-FSM;type: NUMBER_BLACKLIST;result: Blocked
result: Blocked;sccpAddress: 353201000001;protocol: SMS;payload: SMS-MO-FSM;type: NUMBER_BLACKLIST;result: Blocked
p.s I named the script bashShell.sh for no particular reason