



Is it possible to return nested complex types from multiple different Stored Procedures using EF? (e.g. ClientSelect, ClientAddressSelect)

I have imported a few stored procedures and added function imports and created a Complex Type for each of the return types. (e.g. Client and ClientAddress).

Now, for example, I want to add the ClientAddress Complex Type to the Client complex type. I will return all values for Client using ClientSelect and then populate ClientAddress using ClientAddressSelect.

When I try to run ClientSelect I get the following error:

"Nested ComplexType property 'ClientAddresses' in the ReturnType 'Client' of the function 'myModel.ClientSelect' is not supported, please consider flattening the nested ComplexType property."

Which makes it look like this isn't possible, is there another way round this? I'm using WCF RIA Services and would like to populate the full Client object on the server side before sending it to the Silverlight client.

Any help/suggestions appreciated.