I have a shell which looks like toolbar and defines my main region (a wrap panel). What I need to do is be able to add widgets to the shell and when a widget is clicked, a new window (view) is opened. Below is what I have so far:
I created a module class which adds a view to the main region:
public class MyModule : IModule
protected IUnityContainer Container { get; private set; }
public MyModule(IUnityContainer container)
Container = container.CreateChildContainer();
public void Initialize()
var regionManager = Container.Resolve<IRegionManager>();
MyModuleView myModuleView = new MyModuleView();
Here is the content of MyModuleView:
<Button Content="My Module" Foreground="White" FontWeight="Bold" Command="{Binding Path=LaunchCommand}">
The view model, MyModuleVM:
class MyModuleVM : ObservableObject
protected IUnityContainer Container { get; private set; }
public MyModuleVM()
RelayCommand _launchCommand;
public ICommand LaunchCommand
if (_launchCommand == null)
_launchCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.LaunchTestView(),
() => this.CanLaunchTestView());
return _launchCommand;
private void LaunchTestView()
TestView view = new TestView();
view.Title = "Test View";
var regionManager = Container.Resolve<IRegionManager>();
private bool CanLaunchTestView()
return true;
So my plan was as follows:
Create the class that implements IModule (MyModule) and have it load a view (MyModuleView) into the shell when initialized
Create a view model for the module (MyModuleVM) and set it as the DataContext of the view displayed in the shell
MyModuleVM contains a command that a button in MyModuleView binds to. When the button is clicked the command is triggered
Now, here is where I am stuck. Using a WindowRegionAdapter (an adapter that helps to create views in separate windows) I wanted to create and display a new view. As seen in MyModuleVM, LaunchTestView needs access to the container in order to add the view to a region. How am I supposed to get to the container?
Besides my specific question about accessing the container, how is my overall strategy of adding "widgets" to a toolbar shell and launching views when they are clicked? Am I comlpetely off track here when it comes to MVVM with Prism?
Thanks guys.