We have some tables, which have a structure like:
start, -- datetime end, -- datetime cost -- decimal
So, for example, there might be a row like:
01/01/2010 10:08am, 01/01/2010 1:56pm, 135.00
01/01/2010 11:01am, 01/01/2010 3:22pm, 118.00
01/01/2010 06:19pm, 01/02/2010 1:43am, 167.00
I'd like to get this into a format (with a function?) that returns data in a format like:
10:00am, 10:15am, X, Y, Z
10:15am, 10:30am, X, Y, Z
10:30am, 10:45am, X, Y, Z
10:45am, 11:00am, X, Y, Z
11:00am, 11:15am, X, Y, Z
Where: X = the number of rows that match
Y = the cost / expense for that chunk of time
Z = the total amount of time during this duration
IE, for the above data, we might have:
10:00am, 10:15am, 1, (135/228 minutes*7), 7
The first row starts at 10:08am, so only 7 minutes are used from 10:00-10:15.
There are 228 minutes in the start->end time.
11:00am, 11:15am, 2, ((135+118)/((228+261) minutes*(15+14)), 29
The second row starts right after 11:00am, so we need 15 minutes from the first row, plus 14 minutes from the second row
There are 261 minutes in the second start->end time
I believe I've done the math right here, but need to figure out how to make this into a PG function, so that it can be used within a report.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to call the function with some arbitrary duration, ie 15minute, or 30minute, or 60minute, and have it split up based on that.
Any ideas?