



I am using Winforms Reporting Services (RDLC) to generate a report that has a subreport. My problem is the subreport isn't being filtered by the parent ID.

A simple example of the data model might be a Department which contains Employees.

In the report I want to show all Departments and have a subreport to show the Employees that belong to that Department.

I created a Dataset with two DataTables (Department and Employee). I created a relationship between the two Tables using the DepartmentId column.

In the Form I Fill each table using the appropriate Fill commands. I first fill the Department table then fill the Employee table, i.e. Select * From Deparment and Select * from Employee.

Now for the actual RDLC's: The Department rdlc uses the Deparment datasource and shows information about the department. I dropped a subreport control on this rdlc and set up the properties. I am passing a ReportProperty to the subreport which is the Field!DepartmentId.

In the Employee rdlc I added the Employee datasource and created a filter on Property!DepartmentId.

When I run the report I can cycle through each Department but the subreport does not show. If I remove the Filter from the Employee datasource the subreport shows but displays all of the employees.

In the Form itself I am handling the SubProcessing evert and adding the Employee datasource to the report.

Any ideas on how to link the Subreport data to the parent?


Pass in the ID from the parent to the sub-report as a parameter and then filter the table in the sub-report based on that parameter value.

MSDN - Configuring Subreports and Drillthrough reports
