



I need to change the time part of a datetime in a database.

What I got is in the database: '2010-01-01 01:00:00' I need to update this to '2010-01-01 03:00:00' Only thing I have is '03:00:00'

As I'm using doctrine I could iterate through all objects but this would decrease the perfomance. So what I tried was:

$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
                ->update('Something s')
                ->set('start_at', 'DATEADD(DATESUB(start_at,HOUR_SECOND TIME(start_at)), HOUR_SECOND ?)', $doctrine_article->start_time)
                ->set('start_at', 'DATEADD(DATESUB(end_at,HOUR_SECOND TIME(end_at)), HOUR_SECOND ?)', $doctrine_article->end_time)
                ->where('s.some_id = ?',$doctrine_article->id)
                ->andWhere('s.start_at > ?',$current_date)

To explain a bit more:
I tried to remove the time part of the current Datetime, so I get '2010-01-01 00:00:00' and then add to this the given time ('03:00:00') so at the end it should be the wanted '2010-01-01 03:00:00'

But this leads to an error (1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax)

Any hints how to solve this error and achieve the described functionality?


It would be easier to use the DATE function to remove the time part. After that, you can use different ways to add the time again:

start_at = DATE(start_at) + INTERVAL 3 HOUR

start_at = DATE(start_at) + INTERVAL 10800 SECOND

start_at = CONCAT(DATE(start_at), ' ', '03:00:00')

and so on.

Alexander Konstantinov
tried to do it this way: `->set('start_time', 'CONCAT(DATE(start_at), " ", ?', $doctrine_article->start_time)` But it resulted in a new error: `Call to undefined method Doctrine_Query_Set::parseLiteralValue()`
First: you forgot closing bracket after `?`. Second: if that's won't be enough, try `->set('start_time', 'CONCAT(DATE(start_at), ?, ?)', array(' ', $doctrine_article->start_time))`
Alexander Konstantinov
Works like charme when executing as pure SQL. Within doctrine the same error occurs.