



Hi Experts,

I have a class that has int[] members. The arrays grow very big, about 56M in size.(arrays are expandable with implementation similar to arraylist). Now I want to partially store the array in database, to improve memory. I have oracle database at my disposal. I would also like to cache more used indexes. I am wondering if there exists an api for this purpose. Otherwise please suggest an implementation approach.


I would look at BerkeleyDB rather than a relational DB. That will take care of writing to disk and caching.

Not sure whether it would make more sense to store the ints directly as values or in stripes--I'd start with the first and then see how performance looked before complicating matters with striping.

Michael Brewer-Davis

Why don't you serialize the array object. For Every array size of 2m , the class is serialized and stored in a file.finally deserialize the classes and merge the array.

Suresh S
Can you explain please in my scenario ?

56M isn't very big, unless you are developing for a mobile device. 1 Gb cost around $100 in a server/workstation so 56MB is worth about $6. If you have many GBs it may be worth doing this.

If you want an expandable int[] I suggest you look at TIntArrayList which is an ArrayList like collection which uses int[].

BTW: An RDBMS data will use far more memory than you are intending to save, and it is likely to 10x or more slower depending on what you do with the array.

Peter Lawrey