I am programming an application with Ribbon Control instead of Menu and Tool Bar. Office 2007 is an example of Ribbon and we can see a small button called "Dialog Box Launcher" on right side of a Ribbon Panel Caption. But I can't find how to add a Dialog Box Launcher on a Ribbon Panel. I am using Visual Studio 2010 Professional C++. Please help me.
DETAIL: I understand there are two ways of Ribbon Control programming.
(1) To use XML resource file. I can't find "Dialog Box Launcher" in Tool Box of resource editor. And also I don't know a code (tag) to add a Dialog Box Launcher while editing XML file as text.
(2) To code directly in CMainFrm::OnCreate() by using CMFCRibbonBar, CMFCRibbonPanel and so on. I can't find a class name for a Dialog Box Launcher. CMFCRibbonLauncher???