



I need help with one website: that contains videos to see, like YouTube, and the videos are divided in pages,but I want to display all videos in one page (or maybe you know some other way to get all videos links to listbox) and in the source of this page I got this part of the source:

input id="vid_count" type="hidden" value=12
input id="vid_max" type="hidden" value=2867
input id="vids_per_page" type="hidden" value=12

The site contains 2867 videos with 239 pages, 12 videos per page. I need to show all videos in only one page. I am use Visual Studio 2008 Professional and I've already tried:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("vid_count").SetAttribute(".value", "2867")

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("vids_per_page").SetAttribute(".value", "2867").

...but it doesn't work.

What i wan't is a code that i could use in visual basic to load that website in WebBrowser1

How can I make it work for me? Any help is really welcome!

Here is the site login information to help you to get source code and give me help:

 Username: [email protected]
 Password: belekas

layout plugin for jQuery
video 1 plugin for jQuery
video 2 plugin for jQuery
video 3 plugin for jQuery

andres descalzo
yes i know :) Maybe someone know how to add all videos links to listbox without loading all in one page?
like this ""?
andres descalzo
i want a code to use in visual basic, that could load video links in a one page instead of 200+ pages. Here is the video with program that can do that: