



Possible Duplicate:
Best javascript book (for an experienced coder)

Hi everyone.

I am thinking of learning JavaScript. Can anyone suggest me a good, up to date book. I am not completely new to programming, so an entry level book should also do.

I read another question on SO related to this, but however isn't this book outdated, considering it was published in 2006? Or I should not worry about this.

Please only mark this question as duplicate, if you answer whether the book mentioned above is outdated or not.


I read another question on SO related to this, but however isn't this book ["JavaScript: The Definitive Guide", Flanagan, 5th edition] outdated, considering it was published in 2006? Or I should not worry about this.

I use the 4th edition.

Any JavaScript book that is worth the effort of reading is going to be out of date by the time it hits the (e-)shelves, because things are moving too fast in the client side programming world. (Any book that isn't out of date will not have had enough editorial effort to remove errors, so not worth while anyway).

But the core of the JavaScript language is still the same, for the new bits online is the only way to keep up.

+1  A: 

IF you want to learn javascript as a beginner to Javascript. This JavaScript the definitive Guide is a good book. However if you want to learn further there are couple others that i can suggest "Javascript the Good Parts" and "object oriented javascript"

sushil bharwani

You can go through this

Javascript Bible


alt text

For free pdf click here

For online learning(tutorials)



I will also suggest you to learn jQuery.


An excellent, modern book that's completely free:


Unless you are completly new to programming I can recommend Javascript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. It explains you the main concepts and pitfalls of the language, teaches how to write good code and how to avoid Javascript's bad parts. I've seen people hating JavaScript at first who became great JS-developers after reading the book.

And by the way: I wouldn't care too much about how outdated a book is if you still have to target old browsers.
