




My program has a static interface, but I don't know what's the best way to make my interface. With resource files or with the CreateWindow function using the WM_CREATE message?


+1  A: 

Id recommend starting with dialog resources first. Then, if/when that is insufficient, make your own windows directly.

As a hardcore native developer, if you really want to make applications with a nice GUI, i hate to say this, but you'll get much more bang for your buck if you go with .NET's WPF - or even Windows Forms as a window layout language.

MS have made a concerted (and to my mind, somewhat malicious) effort to not add necessary new features for native applications so we are left building everything from scratch: the native controls don't support alpha aware painting, don't support back buffering, havn't been upgraded with the new Windows 7 widgets like ribbon bars, havn't been given any kind of animation system, and the dialog template based layout system is inflexible at best.

Chris Becke
interesting. is there any way to use WPF in C/C++ without managed code? I hate using managed code in C/C++.
Thanks Chris, but there is one problem. There only is a `DIALOG` statement and it uses dialog units for its width and height. I want to use pixel dimensions.
That is by design, and, frankly, better: DIALOG units automatically scale with the size of the system font - which users might change because they like a different size, or because they have a high DPI display.
Chris Becke
@Jay.lee - no way to use WPF native code. Well, not without writing a lot of managed code with some kind of p/invoke layer. Seems a lot of effort tho.
Chris Becke