I'm using Django and MySQL to serve a website. I have my own MySQL server on localhost for my site. Now I have a third-party MySQL database that I need to use to read and write to that is on a remote host. I set up the new database's information in my settings.py file, but a problem occurs when I try to access the remote DB. Because the new DB is not created by me, I have no respective classes in models.py file. Reading from it the regular way of Model.objects.using('remote_db_name').get(pk=0) doesn't work because it throws a NameError.
I was wondering what is the correct way to handle both a local and remote database in Django, especially when the remote database only gives you SELECT and INSERT privileges. All the tutorials I've found online are about multiple databases defined in the same Django site, so the models.py file has all the data needed.
Thanks for any help in advance!