



Where can I find or buy, in bulk, recordings of 20,000+ English words, read by native speakers? (preferably available as individual audio files with an index)

I don't want to use a "text to speech" program if possible because the quality isn't good enough for people who are trying to learn a language.


The Linguistic Data Consortium sells these kinds of data. Check out the American English Spoken Lexicon, for example.

That site also looks great. Like I said to *blizpasta*, is there an equivalent for British (UK) English?
Patrick Beardmore
I can't find such a corpus now, but please browse through their catalog (at /Catalog) or send them an email. If they don't have it, they might know where to find what you need.
Thanks. I'll try them.
Patrick Beardmore

Just to let people know what I did in the end:

I found Shtooka, which is a free program for recording lists of words easily and automatically. I will now pay an actor to record the exact lists I want.

Patrick Beardmore