



I was using simple textarea element and then replaced it with iframe with designMode='on' to give user the possibility to mark some text and make it italic. But I still want an iframe to look like textarea, so I need a border around it similar to that which appears in Chrome and Safari when textarea is active. How can I achieve such an effect?

+1  A: 

You can use the :focus psuedo-selector and the outline property:

`.elementClass:focus {
    outline: 1px solid #ffa;

This will add a yellow outline to the element, I'm not sure what colour Chrome and Safari uses, but just add your preferred colour-to-taste.

Edited in response to OP's comment:

Well, unfortunately this kind of border is different in Chrome and Safari (and, perhaps, in other browsers which support or will support it). So it would be perfect if I could simulate exactly that kind of border that each individual user is used to.

There are some platform/OS-specific colours available in CSS (though browser implementation, obviously, varies):

|  ActiveBorder        |                                            Active window border  |
|  ActiveCaption       |                                           Active window caption  |
|  AppWorkspace        |                 Background color of multiple document interface  |
|  Background          |                                              Desktop background  |
|  ButtonFace          |                              Face color for 3D display elements  |
|  ButtonHighlight     |    Dark shadow for 3D display elements (facing away from light)  |
|  ButtonShadow        |                            Shadow color for 3D display elements  |
|  ButtonText          |                                            Text on push buttons  |
|  CaptionText         |              Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box  |
|  GrayText            |            Grayed (disabled) text (#000 if not supported by OS)  |
|  Highlight           |                                   Item(s) selected in a control  |
|  HighlightText       |                           Text of item(s) selected in a control  |
|  InactiveBorder      |                                          Inactive window border  |
|  InactiveCaption     |                                         Inactive window caption  |
|  InactiveCaptionText |                            Color of text in an inactive caption  |
|  InfoBackground      |                           Background color for tooltip controls  |
|  InfoText            |                                 Text color for tooltip controls  |
|  Menu                |                                                 Menu background  |
|  MenuText            |                                                   Text in menus  |
|  Scrollbar           |                                            Scroll bar gray area  |
|  ThreeDDarkShadow    |                             Dark shadow for 3D display elements  |
|  ThreeDFace          |                              Face color for 3D display elements  |
|  ThreeDHighlight     |                         Highlight color for 3D display elements  |
|  ThreeDLightShadow   |          Light color for 3D display elements (facing the light)  |
|  ThreeDShadow        |                             Dark shadow for 3D display elements  |
|  Window              |                                               Window background  |
|  WindowFrame         |                                                    Window frame  |
|  WindowText          |                                                 Text in windows  |


I'm not aware, though, of any browser-specific options that could be applied. You could, perhaps, useJavaScript to find the colour from a particular browser, but I'm not convinced that would work, due to the difficulty of accessing the pseudo-selectors.

David Thomas
Well, unfortunately this kind of border is different in Chrome and Safari (and, perhaps, in other browsers which support or will support it). So it would be perfect if I could simulate exactly that kind of border that each individual user is used to.
Danylo Mysak
Thank you for the idea to use JavaScript to find the color of the border. I used it and solved my problem.And that’s quite interesting that some OS-specific colors are available in CSS although it’s hard to think of application.
Danylo Mysak
@Danylo, I can think of a few reasons people might want to imitate platform-specific alerts...possibly it'd be a good idea for web-apps too, to make them look more at-home? What JS did you use to find the browser-specific colours?
David Thomas
I used the code similar to this: **[var textarea=document.createElement('textarea');document.body.appendChild(textarea);textarea.focus();var color=window.getComputedStyle(textarea,null).getPropertyValue('outline-color');]**And I described the approach in more details in my answer below.
Danylo Mysak
@Danylo, thanks! =)
David Thomas
+1  A: 

I solved my problem in a following way.

When I need to highlight iframe for the first time I’m creating textarea with negative 'left' coordinate (so that it’s invisible to user), give it a focus and get its CSS properties via window.getComputedStyle. Then I’m applying four of these properties to focused iframe: 'outline-color', 'outline-style', 'outline-width' and 'outline-offset'.

For some reason Safari 5 wouldn’t give you correct value for 'outline-offset'. So for the time being I hardcoded it to be '-2px'.

Danylo Mysak
Watch out, `window.getComputedStyle` doesn't work in IE... It gives dom nodes a `currentStyle` property instead.
IE9 implements getComputedStyle and previous versions don’t draw outline. So 'if(window.getComputedStyle)' check is sufficient to avoid this problem.
Danylo Mysak
+1  A: 

You can get the rounded outline in webkit like this:

outline: 2px auto red;

Notice that the width of the outline will not obey the specified width, and the color isn't completely accurate either.

To use the normal focus color, you can do this:

outline: 2px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;

In moz, you can use -moz-outline-radius (works just like border-radius) to get a rounded outline.

-webkit-focus-ring-color is just what was needed. Unfortunately the constants like -webkit-focus-ring-width and -webkit-focus-ring-offset seem to be missing.
Danylo Mysak
As you can see, Sarari renders 'outline: 2px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color' pretty differently: (the upper one is original 5px width -2px offset, the lower is 2px width).
Danylo Mysak