I finally decided it was time to write that "killer web app" we all dream about. :-) I've been a programmer for almost as long as I can remember so I'm not scared of technology, but I haven't been active in the web world for about a decade. Looking for some help on the direction I should go.
The app I'm considering: (in order of importance)
1) will need to charge my customers securely using someone else's service
2) must scale easily
3) must be cheap to deploy
4) must be reasonably responsive (much of it will be client side
javascript, but there is some server interaction)
5) will need a database on the back end (not a huge database, but it will
need to scale with the customer base)
I'm thinking of using the following:
Technology: mySQL, PHP, Javascript Deployment: Amazon Cloud Payment: Paypal
Is this the right direction?? (Any tutorial links would be greatly appreciated)