




I am trying to implement a "context" system similar to the one used by GitHub. For example, a Post may be created belonging either to the User or one of the Companies the User belongs to depending on whether to User is in the "User" context or a context that refers to one of the Companies.

As a part of this, I'd like to be able to do routing based on the user's current context. For example, if the User is in their own context, /dashboard should route to users/show, but if they are in the context for Company with ID 35, then /dashboard should route to companies/35/dashboard.

I could route /dashboard to a special controller responsible for making such decisions, such as context#dashboard which could then do a redirect_to, but this doesn't feel quite right (perhaps because we're taking logic that the Rails routing module should be responsible for and moving it to a controller?)

What would be the proper way to solve this problem in Rails 3?


Your approach seems like the best way to me. Anything else would be more cluttered and not very standard.
