I need write a set of clauses that take a list of integer lists and return a single list with all the elements doubled.
For example:
?- double([[1,2],[3]], X).
X = [2,4,6]
I have a set of clauses called mega_append that return a single list from a list of lists.
For example:
?- mega_append([[1,2],[3]], X).
X = [1,2,3]
Here is my progress (m_a is short for mega_append):
double(List,[H1|T1]) :-
H1 is 2 * H2,
double(T2, T1).
I'll try to explain how I thought it would work. I flatten the first list and split it up into a head and a tail (H2 and T2). I split the second list into a head and a tail (H1 and T1). I check to make sure that H1 (the doubled value) is equal to 2 times H2 (the original value). If it is then I check the rest of the list. Eventually if they all match correctly I should be left with two empty lists which should match the first clause and return yes.
It works when there is only a single value (for example: double([[1]], X)
). Can anyone offer any insight into what I am doing wrong? Is my logic or code incorrect?