



Hi all,

I'm trying to convert an HTML table to Excel in Javascript using new ActiveXObject("Excel.application"). Bascially I loop through table cells and insert the value to the corresponding cell in excel:

//for each table cell
oSheet.Cells(x,y).value = cell.innerText;

The problem is that when the cell is in date format of 'dd-mm-yyyy' (e.g. 10-09-2008), excel would read as 'mm-dd-yyyy' (i.e. 09 Oct 2008). I tried to specify NumberFormat like:

oSheet.Cells(x,y).NumberFormat = 'dd-mm-yyyy';

But it has no effect. It seems that this only affect how excel display the value, not parse. My only solution now is to swap the date like:

var txt = cell.innerText;
if(/^(\d\d)-(\d\d)-\d\d\d\d$/.test(txt)) txt = txt.replace(/^(\d\d)-(\d\d)/,'$2-$1');

But I'm worrying that it is not generic and a differnt machine setting would fail this.

Is there a way to specific how excel parse the input value?


In Vbscript, we use to resolve this by

If IsDate(Cell.Value) Then

     Cell.Value = DateValue(Cell.Value)

End If

May be, In java script also you need to play with same approach,.


You can avoid Excel's date parsing by entering the data using its native 'serial' date format. e.g '22nd Dec 08' is 39804 as an Excel serial date. (See here for a good explanation of these)

Then format the cell as you did before.

  1. determine what culture-neutral date formats excel supports

  2. use javascript to parse your date string and output in the an appropriate format

I don't know what formats excel supports but you'd want something like .net's round trip or sortable formats, where it will always be read consistently.

for #2, if you can trust javascript to construct an appropriate date from whatever string you feed it that's fine. if you're not sure about that you might look at a library like datejs where you can be more specific about what you want to happen.


I've tried your code but at end of the process, I re-applied format to the columns containing dates. It works fine, no matter what local language you have configurated yor machine.

Being my excel object defined as 'template', as soon as I got it data filled, I applied (just for example):

template.ActiveSheet.Range("D10:F99").NumberFormat = "dd/MMM/yyyy;@";

best regards

Oscar Goldman