



   $("input[name='items']:checked").each(function() {
       //doing something


I'm trying to create a common class onclick of which I'm doing something. Is there a way I can make "items" a variable, I mean Can I pass checkbox name to this event.


Try this and see if it works out:

$("input[name='items']:checked").each(function() {

I think I've used like this somewhere.

[EDIT] The thing with this is that jQuery passes the current item to the foreach as the context of the variable.

David Conde
you probably mean `` and not `this.attr("name")` or if so wrap it with jQuery like this, `$(this).attr("name")`
sorry! youre right! is like that, the code is $(this).attr("name"), not very sure about using instead.
David Conde
This code is somewhat silly. You're iterating over all `input` items with the name `items` and checking for what the name is..... Hint: `items`.
Peter Ajtai

Can you clarify what exactly you want to do? Something like the below?

    var cbxName = 'items';
    $("input[name='" + cbxName + "']:checked").each(function() {
        //doing something

I'm sorry guys I think my question was not very correct. It should be "How can I create functions in jQuery and call it on event and pass variable to it"

Use bind instead of click

$(".addcart").bind("click", {name: "items"}, function(event){
   $("input[name='" + + "']:checked").each(function() {
       //doing something


"How can I create functions in jQuery and call it on event and pass variable to it"

That will still be the same procedure. Use bind to attach an event handler, pass it an object with the needed stuff for your function. In your event handler call your function and pass it the object from

$(".addcart").bind("click", {foo: "hello world"}, function(event) {

function DoSomethingOnClick(obj) {
   obj = obj || {};
   if (obj.hasOwnProperty('foo'))
      alert("no foo here");

You know that all checked items will have a name of items, so that's not very interesting, but maybe you want to retrieve the value of each of the items:


   $("input[name='items']:checked").each(function() {

         // To access an attribute of this item use the form $(this).attr(...)
       alert( this.value );



The above uses this to access the element being iterated over. Take a look at the properties of a DOM element to see what properties of this you can access.

You can create a jQuery object out of this using the form $(this) then you can use .attr() to access the attributes of this. For example to get the class/es of this you can use either this.className or $(this).attr("class").

It is faster to directly access the DOM element's properties. But for some more complex manipulations it is good to know that $(this) is also available.

Peter Ajtai
Use `this.value` and `this.whatever-property-you-have-attached-to-the-DOM-element` (kind of tired of saying this)
Yi Jiang
@Yi Jiang - The rude parenthetical expression is completely unnecessary.
Peter Ajtai