Why not just add http get support in config and that's done with the advantage that the service will be dual both SOAP AND REST?
What's all the buzz around rest ? What WCF will bring to this ?
I mean what's the difference from the viewpoint of a REST client application if I just set in my web.config for my asmx webservice to being able to accept get rest-like syntax
<add name="HttpGet" />
and a WCF REST implementation http://geekswithblogs.net/.NETonMyMind/archive/2008/02/04/119291.aspx ?
seems nobody can really answer ... is it because it's hard or is it my question is stupid :)
Client only sees url (encapsulation principle) so why would I bother for more ? And what's the more that's still not clear :)
Other problem: if we switch to WCF, will we need to change url ? If yes that means all our hundred partners clients would be broken and I'll have to notify them of our change ?