hi, I have a table "Information" in my dataBase(SQL), it has 3 fields : ID , Date , Description
I want to show this data in a gridview between date1 and date2, but I want to show an empty record for date3 if date3 is between date1 and date2 but there is no data in my table that Date = date3, how can i do this with C# and Linq?
Here's an example in VB
Dim varListado As List(Of Information) = (From varNNN In varEntidades.Information Where varNNN.ID > 0 Select varNNN).ToList
If addNew = True Then
Dim varNew As New Information
varNew.ID = 0
varNew.Description = "New Record Added"
varNew.Date = Now
varNew.Insert(0, varNew)
End If
2010-09-29 22:11:23