



I'm using Solr to search for a long list of IDs like so:


This works up to a point, but above a certain size fails with the message: too many boolean clauses. You can increase the limit in solrconfig.xml, but this will only take it so far - and I expect the limit is there for a reason:


I could split the query into several little ones, but that would prevent me then sorting the results. There must be a more appropriate way of doing this?

+3  A: 

You should be using a Lucene filter instead of building up the huge boolean query. Try using FieldCacheTermsFilter and pass that filter in to your Searcher. FieldCacheTermsFilter will translate your UID's to a Lucene DocIdSet, and it'll do it fast since it's doing it via the FieldCache.

+1 that is the way
Pascal Dimassimo