



Hey there!

I am getting the following exception and don't have much clue about what and how it should be fixed:

The operation 'ShowData' could not be loaded because it has a parameter or return type of type System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or a type that has MessageContractAttribute and other parameters of different types. When using System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or types with MessageContractAttribute, the method must not use any other types of parameters.

My code:

public interface IHelper 
  [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/cgi/manager.exe?GetData={data}")]
  Message ShowData(int data);

public class Helper : IHelper 
  public Message ShowData(int data)
    var result = new StringBuilder(...);

    foreach (...)


    return WebOperationContext.Current.CreateTextResponse(result.ToString(), "text/xml", Encoding.ASCII);

I guess it says that I can't intermix Message with int? What is the correct way to rely on parsing the request than?


Is your return type actually of type System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message?

The question body updated with the relevant code (IHelper implementation). Can you have a look please?

You're getting the error because you're returning the WCF Message type. This means you'll either have to remove the data parameter from the inputs, or also make it a Message type instead of an int.

The Message class is a fundamental piece of the WCF infrastructure. It's documented here:

It's better to define your own data-contract type rather than use Message.

Tim Roberts
thanks! I've used the Message only because I need to return plain ASCII text. I'll try to return Byte[] and will see if it works.
You won't get the exception if you return Byte[], but why not return a string if you're simply sending back text?
Tim Roberts
Sending back string results in sending back Unicode with a few special characters at the start (3 bytes). The legacy application expects an XML ASCII oldskul string. If you have any other recommendation - I'll be glad to hear.
@BreakPhreak - Ah, right. Strings in .NET are unicode (UTF-16) which explains the funny bytes at the start (the byte-ordering marks). A Byte[] is probably the correct choice then.
Tim Roberts
Funny but it's not: (just letting you know that the saga continues). And thanks again for the answer.