



Here's the thing, I don't have access to code that inserts data into a given table. However, I need to add related additional data into another table. So, I was thinking about grabbing the last inserted ID and from there... insert the related data into that other table.

Since I don't have access to the statement, I believe that mysql last insert id function will be of no use here.

All the PDO::lastInsertId examples that I see, are also attached to some "insert query" before it, so no use as well.

How can I grab the last inserted ID on the cases were we DON'T have access to the original insert statement ?

Data flow: It starts here: signup.tpl Where we have:

onclick="checkoutvalidate();return false"

On the js we have:

function checkoutvalidate() {
    $.post("order/index.php", 'a=validatecheckout&'+$("#orderfrm").serialize(),
        if (data) {
        } else {

So, now, let's look for "validatecheckout" into index.php And we found it:

We can't read along this lines, anything concerning the insertion. The immediately after that I can get is, after the conditional statement - right ?

if ($a=="validatecheckout") {
   $errormessage = '';
   $productinfo = getProductInfo($pid);
            if ($productinfo['type']=='server') {
                if (!$hostname) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrorservernohostname'];
                else {
                    $result = select_query("tblhosting","COUNT(*)",array("domain"=>$hostname.'.'.$domain,"domainstatus"=>array("sqltype"=>"NEQ","value"=>"Cancelled"),"domainstatus"=>array("sqltype"=>"NEQ","value"=>"Terminated"),"domainstatus"=>array("sqltype"=>"NEQ","value"=>"Fraud")));
                    $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                    $existingcount = $data[0];
                    if ($existingcount) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrorserverhostnameinuse'];
                if ((!$ns1prefix)OR(!$ns2prefix)) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrorservernonameservers'];
                if (!$rootpw) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrorservernorootpw'];

            if (is_array($configoption)) {
                foreach ($configoption AS $opid=>$opid2) {
                    $result = select_query("tblproductconfigoptions","",array("id"=>$opid));
                    $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                    $optionname = $data["optionname"];
                    $optiontype = $data["optiontype"];
                    $qtyminimum = $data["qtyminimum"];
                    $qtymaximum = $data["qtymaximum"];
                    if ($optiontype==4) {
                        $opid2 = (int)$opid2;
                        if ($opid2<0) $opid2=0;
                        if ((($qtyminimum)OR($qtymaximum))AND(($opid2<$qtyminimum)OR($opid2>$qtymaximum))) {
                            $errormessage .= "<li>".sprintf($_LANG['configoptionqtyminmax'],$optionname,$qtyminimum,$qtymaximum);
            $errormessage .= checkCustomFields($customfield);
            if (!$_SESSION['uid']) {
                if ($_REQUEST['signuptype']=="new") {
                    $firstname = $_REQUEST['firstname'];
                    $lastname = $_REQUEST['lastname'];
                    $companyname = $_REQUEST['companyname'];
                    $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
                    $address1 = $_REQUEST['address1'];
                    $address2 = $_REQUEST['address2'];
                    $city = $_REQUEST['city'];
                    $state = $_REQUEST['state'];
                    $postcode = $_REQUEST['postcode'];
                    $country = $_REQUEST['country'];
                    $phonenumber = $_REQUEST['phonenumber'];
                    $password1 = $_REQUEST['password1'];
                    $password2 = $_REQUEST['password2'];
                    $temperrormsg = $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = $temperrormsg.checkDetailsareValid($firstname,$lastname,$email,$address1,$city,$state,$postcode,$phonenumber,$password1,$password2);
                    $errormessage .= checkPasswordStrength($password1);
                } else {
                    $username = $_REQUEST['username'];
                    $password = $_REQUEST['password'];
                    if (!validateClientLogin($username,$password)) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['loginincorrect'];
            if (($CONFIG['EnableTOSAccept'])AND(!$_REQUEST['accepttos'])) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrortermsofservice'];
            $_SESSION['cart']['paymentmethod'] = $_REQUEST['paymentmethod'];
            if ($errormessage) echo $_LANG['ordererrorsoccurred']."<br /><ul>".$errormessage."</ul>";
            else {
                if ($_REQUEST['signuptype']=="new") {
                    $userid = addClient($firstname,$lastname,$companyname,$email,$address1,$address2,$city,$state,$postcode,$country,$phonenumber,$password1);

            //DO THE DO INSERT_LAST_ID() here ?

Thanks in advance, MEM

+2  A: 

After the insert statement you can fire another query:


and this will return one row with one column containing the id.


        -> 195

This works per connection so there is no problem if another thread writes into the table. But your SELECT needs to be executed 'RIGHT AFTER'/'As the next query' after the insert query ran


An example:

$dbConnection = MyMagic::getMeTheDatabase("please");


$result = $dbConnection->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();");
// ... fetch that one value and you are good to go
But I don't have access to the "after insert statement momentum".
@MEM but make yourself such access! How and when your code is supposed to be called? a half-year after this insert statement or what?
Col. Shrapnel
@Col. Shrapnel : No. After the insert. But I can't see exactly were. This is a mess with ajax calls and a lot of procedural code that I find hard to grasp due to my lack of knowledge. :s I guess I have to FIRST found out where can I call this and, then, use LAST_INSERT_ID() as suggested since MAX as the inconvenience of not being accurate... I can't see the insert statement but I can see the js function that submits the form... but I cannot see the PHP that process it, if any. :s
@MEM i provided an example, as long as you can get anywhere in between "insert query" and "next query" you are good to go. If not you probably will have to make some function somewhere return the id or pass it around another way but without an example i'm just guessing in the dark :)
@edorian: Thanks a lot. Please have patience. I will try to understand the workflow and edit my question accordingly.
@edorian - once you have the opportunity, please have a quick look into the additional information above.

If the column is a simple auto_incrementing integer, you could use SELECT MAX(MyAutoincrementingColumn) FROM MyTable. You might risk selecting a row that has been inserted by another user in the meantime, if your users are not using transactions.

Please explain -1.
It was not me. I'm still struggling here, and perhaps, MAX is my only option here btw... because I really can't get near insert, and the near I can get it's perhaps, if I do another $.post AFTER document.orderfrm.submit(); hopping that I can get a last insert id from there? :/
I didn't presume it was you.
I have added a vote up, because in this case, and to me, it seems pertinent.

If you don't have access to the last INSERT line, you can make a subquery to find the last inserted id:

select max(id) from <table>
What happens when 2 users insert a row at the same time over different connections? You could potentially end up with the wrong ID
Neil Aitken