




I am looping over the first set of li a tags in my UL and getting the height so that I can deliver a different background image if the a > span > span text wraps across two or three lines.

I need to be able to store these specific buttons in an array, so that when I mouse over them, the current span with double line text receives a different background image.

Here's what I have and I am not sure where to go from here. I'd appreciate some help.

   var doubleLineButtons = new Array();

$("div.subSectNav .RadPanelBar ul.rpRootGroup > li.rpItem > a").each(function (i) {

    if ($(this).height() > 35) {


        // here I need to access any possible menu items if the lines have wrapped and deliver a different background image
            // change the background image of this button
            (this).css('background', 'url("/App_Themes/2010a/images/background_nav_sub_left_double.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent');
            // remove the background image from this button



Thanks a bunch!

+3  A: 

I don't see why you need to store them in an array if all you are wanting to do is change the background image. The following working example at should get you going along the right lines.

$('li').each(function() {
    if ($(this).height() > 35) {
        $(this).hover(function() {
            $(this).css('background', 'red');
        }, function() {
            $(this).css('background', 'white');
Blair McMillan
To remove a background, use `$(this).css('background', 'none');`
Ryan Kinal jsFiddle Blair. Not seen it before! Thanks for your example above. I will give this a try now!
Sixfoot Studio
Worked like the bomb! Thanks guys!
Sixfoot Studio