Hi everyone,
I am using the following code do get all data records from a MS SQL database and I try to update every single record. The code is used in a WebService. The issue is, that the code runs fine if I have 1000 data records but now I have 20000 data records an the code first returned with an timeout. Then I set the cmd.CommandTimeout to zero to have no timeout. Now when I invoke the function in the IE WebSvc the IE window is still blank and still try to load something but nothing happens. Only 150 datarecords are updated.
Do you have any idea where the issue might be ? Is the code not the best, so what should I change ?
Thank you very much! WorldSignia
private string AddNewOrgBez()
SqlConnection sqlconn = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString);
SqlCommand cmd;
SqlDataReader reader;
cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.mydata", sqlconn);
cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
// Felder holen
string okuerzel = reader["O_KURZ"].ToString();
string bezeichnung = reader["O_BEZ"].ToString();
string[] lines = CreateNewOrgBez(bezeichnung);
string sqlcmd = "UPDATE dbo.mydata SET WEB_OBEZ1 = '" + lines[0] + "', WEB_OBEZ2 = '" + lines[1] + "', WEB_OBEZ3 = '" + lines[2] + "' WHERE O_KURZ = '" + okuerzel + "'";
SqlConnection sqlconn2 = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString);
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(sqlcmd, sqlconn2);
cmd2.CommandTimeout = 0;
return "OK";
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.Message;