



Hi, I have this table:

    <td>333 222</td>

And I have this code for selector:

$("#TableName tr td:contains('222')");

Problem: I need to select the cell that the html is '222' only.
I try use $("#TableName td tr[html=222]") but don't work.

+5  A: 

You can use .filter() instead to do an exact match.

var result = $("#TableName tr td").filter(function() {
    return $.text([this]) === "222";

This uses $.text() to compare the text value of the <td> with "222". It's just a little quicker way of doing $(this).text(). Gives you the same result. (Note that you need to pass this in an Array [this].)

When there's a match, the element is returned into the resulting jQuery object.

If there's any possibility of leading or trailing white space in the <td>, you can trim that with $.trim().

return $.trim( $.text([this]) ) === "222";

EDIT: You could create your own selector that will accomplish the same task if you want:

$.extend($.expr[':'], {
    textIs: function(elem, i, attr) {
        return ($.trim( $.text([elem]) ) === attr[3]);
var result = $("#TableName tr td:textIs(222)")
patrick dw

I found this implemenation of such selector (in comments in

$.expr[":"].econtains = function(obj, index, meta, stack){
return (obj.textContent || obj.innerText || $(obj).text() || "").toLowerCase() == meta[3].toLowerCase();


$("div:econtains('john')").css({ color: "#F00" });