I am trying the sample code for the piracy report. The line of code for incident in soup('td', width="90%"):
seraches the soup for an element td with the ad=ttribute width="90%" correct? it invokes the class BeautifulStoneSoup(Tag, SGMLParser):
def __init__(self, markup="", parseOnlyThese=None, fromEncoding=None,
markupMassage=True, smartQuotesTo=XML_ENTITIES,
convertEntities=None, selfClosingTags=None, isHTML=False):
which eventually invokes
AM I correct with the class flow above?
The soup looks like this in the report now
<td class="fabrik_row___jos_fabrik_icc-ccs-piracymap2010___narrations" ><p>22.09.2010: 0236 UTC: Posn: 03:49.9N – 006:54.6E: Off Bonny River: Nigeria.<p/>
<p>About 21 armed pirates in three crafts boarded a pipe layer crane vessel undertow. All crew locked themselves in accommodations. Pirates were able to take one crewmember as hostage. Master called Nigerian naval vessel in vicinity. Later pirates released the crew and left the vessel. All crew safe.<p/></td>
there is no width markup in the text. I changed the line of code to look for for incident in soup('td', class="fabrik_row_jos_fabrik_icc-ccs-piracymap2010_narrations"):
it appears that class is a reserved word maybe?
How do I get the current example code to run, and has more changed in the appliction than just the html ourput?
The url I am using tableid=534&calculations=0&Itemid=82")
tableid=534&calculations=0&Itemid=82")> page =