




I have some colleagues at work, they arrive at the morning, switch off email, phone, close the door, etc. Then they close their eyes and during 30 minutes try to focus on their programming (C++, C, etc) and remember what they did yesterday. Then and somehow the process or imagine the code on they mind, with closed eyes. And some time later they just grab pencil and dump code on a sheet of paper or on their IDE (Kdevelop, Visual Studio, Eclipse, etc). Some of these guys are really effective and develop very complicated code. Me, I can not do this and I wonder if some of you can do something similar, and in case, if you could give some advice on how to be able to focus so deep in a codde or problem.


P.D. Please do not close this question. I consider it is directly related to the craft of programming


I cannot do that, nor have I seem anyone else work that way, But if it works for them, who am I to complain?

James Curran