



Environment: Replicated Server: SQL Server 2008 R2 Client Server: SQL Server Express Language: .Net 3.5 C#

The replicated server will be continually updated by web services and have many of the tables published.

The Client Server will have a down stream subscription to the replicated server.

Goal: As the SQL Express instance pulls its subscription updates it will need to notify a WCF service so as to pass updates to the client front end.

Is this something best suited to SQLDependency or perhaps using CLR triggers to contact WCF? Is there a good practice for dealing with this type of flow without the use of polling?


My understanding is that SQLDependency does not scale well. You mention that web services update the database, I would recommend that these web services use WCF to talk directly to the Client Server.

Steve Ellinger
The client server and its services / front end have to all be decoupled from the main system. This is why it is using a replication subscription as an update mechanism. The through put of the main system is not very high.. likely no more than a few dozen transactions a minute at its peak.
Michael M.