




I have the following MySql Table:

Table 'category'
category_id    name        parent_id
1              animal      NULL
2              vegetable   NULL
3              mineral     NULL
4              dog         1
6              cat         1
7              carrot      2
8              quartz      3

The following SQL Statement will list all results like this:

category_id    category    sub_category
4              animal      dog
6              animal      cat
7              vegetable   carrot
8              mineral     quartz

SELECT sub_category.category_id AS category_id,
       category.name AS category,
       sub_category.name AS sub_category
FROM category
LEFT OUTER JOIN category AS sub_category
    ON sub_category.parent_id = category.category_id
WHERE category.parent_id IS NULL
ORDER BY category_id

But now I have another table with categories that particular users are NOT interested in:

Table 'category_filter'
user_id   category_id
1         4
1         7
1         8

How can I make a query for one particular user so that I get a list of all categories with an info whether a user is interested or not?

Something like this for example:

category_id    category    sub_category    interested
4              animal      dog             NULL
6              animal      cat             6
7              vegetable   carrot          7
8              mineral     quartz          NULL

Thanks in advance for your support.


Looks like you just need to add another join to the query to include the filter:

SELECT sub_category.category_id AS category_id,
       category.name AS category,
       sub_category.name AS sub_category,
       filter.category_id AS interested
FROM category
LEFT OUTER JOIN category AS sub_category
    ON sub_category.parent_id = category.category_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM category_filter WHERE user_id = @UserID) filter ON category.category_id = filter.category_id
WHERE category.parent_id IS NULL
ORDER BY category.category_id

This will only pull the "interest" information for the given user, joining it to the set of all categories.

Unfortunately this statement doesn't get any results. What I'm looking for is that all categories are listed but that there is an additional column where i can see if the user is interested or not.
Mark Fischer
hmm, this one gets: Unknown column 'category_filter.category_id' in 'field list'
Mark Fischer
@Mark Fischer: I corrected the unknown column error, wasn't using the table alias.
OMG Ponies
Thanks a lot: Now I'm getting a list of all subcategories and a 'interested' columns (which is both fine). But the categories in which the user isn't interested have also the value NULL (like all other catgories).
Mark Fischer
@Mark Fischer: Yes, the NULL matches the output you listed--if the user doesn't have a filter association, the value will be NULL.
OMG Ponies


   SELECT c.category_id,
          c.name AS category,
          subc.name AS sub_category,
          cf.category_id AS interested
LEFT JOIN CATEGORY subc ON subc.category_id = c.parent_id
                       AND subc.parent_id IS NULL
LEFT JOIN CATEGORY_FILTER cf ON cf.category_id IN (c.category_id, subc.category_id)
                            AND cf.user_id = ?
    WHERE c.parent_id IS NOT NULL

The join to CATEGORY_FILTER is different from @djacobson's answer, in that it joins the table to both instances of the CATEGORY table.

OMG Ponies
Unfortunately this one gets a list of the parent categories (animal, vegetable, mineral) instead of the subcategories.
Mark Fischer
@Mark Fischer: I missed a join criteria on the sub categories to ensure parents are not included, but the query would return sub categories. Please try again with the updated statement.
OMG Ponies
Unfortunatly still the same results (only the parent categories).
Mark Fischer
@Mark Fischer: I had the join criteria backwards between the category and subcategory instances. Please try now, it's working for me in my testing.
OMG Ponies
When I edit the last statement so that it is "WHERE c.parent_id IS NOT NULL" then I get a perfect list. Thanks a lot
Mark Fischer
Actually I had to change it a bit. Thanks a lot for your support and here's the final Statement: SELECT category.category_id, parent_category.name AS category, category.name AS sub_category, filter.category_id AS interestedFROM categoryLEFT JOIN category AS parent_category ON parent_category.category_id = category.parent_id AND parent_category.parent_id IS NULLLEFT JOIN category_filter AS filter ON filter.category_id IN (category.category_id, parent_category.category_id) AND filter.user_id = 1WHERE category.parent_id IS NOT NULL
Mark Fischer