




I'm buying a lot of books, but I feel I don't hit the good ones. So, I leave it up to you to suggest what books a C++ .NET programmer should have in the bookshelf.

Preferably it should contain books with level from novice to expert level, and I believe it should contain more than one single book.

+1  A: 

Now, The "language" is just the way to tell something what you want and how you feel. You need to learn how to express yourself wisely.

This is on an expert level of course, the beginner-level is when you focus on "how do i communicate" the next steps are focusing on How to get the word out good.

So, if you enterpret this into Programming-related you get that it's now important for you to read about how to structure your code.

Get these books:

The art of Software Architecture


Framework Design Guidelines

Filip Ekberg
Framework Design Guidelines is a great book. Make sure you get the latest version, though.
Ricardo Villamil

You should get these in order. I remember someone suggesting these book to me and they are simply brilliant.

1) Programming C# : Building .NET Applications with C# Jesse Liberty (O'Reilly 0596006993)

2) Programming .Net Components Juval Löwy (O'Reilly 0596102070)

3) Advanced .Net Remoting 2nd Ed. Ingo Rammar/Mario Szpuszta (Apress 1590594177)

How is a C# book going to help him?

For me, Juval's Programming .NET Components the best .NET book I've read yet. Not sure if C++ supports LINQ, but I've enjoyed Linq in Action too. I've read good things here about Jon Skeet who posts here like a mad man, perhaps he is.


You should have Scott Meyers books.


this question seems to point to Effective C++. It's about C++ in general, but I think it still applies.

  1. C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustup
  2. Design Patterns by GoF
  3. Scott Mayer's Books

Thinking in C++ - by Bruce Eckel (not .NET specific - just C++). Managed C++ and .NET Development - Stephen R. G. Fraser


I wonder why you want to program .NET using C++. As an old C++ programmer, when I first heard about C++ I thought "Great. I'll program .NET in C++." And you can. But you're swimming upstream. For example, there must be 1000x as much .NET sample code and documentation written in C# than in C++. Unless you have a good reason to learn managed C++, I'd suggest you just learn C#.

There are good reasons to write managed C++. In particular, using managed C++ as a bridge to connect unmanaged C++ with .NET code (say, written in C#). But in those kinds of projects, you care the most about the unmanaged C++ code base and the C# code base; the managed C++ is just glue code to make the other code bases talk to each other. But if you're just trying to avoid learning C# (which I understand -- after a while you get tired of having to learn new langauges), I'd recommend you bite the bullet and learn C#.

John D. Cook
I get your points, but still I see many projects using C++ even in the Real World. I doubt any C++ programmer will have trouble reading and understanding C# examples.
It's not "managed C++" any more, it's C++/CLI
Andy Dent

Nishant's excellent C++/CLI in Action is a must.

Petzold's free eBook .Net Book Zero is important background.

Beyond that, at present I can't think of any .Net-specific C++ books which are still applicable, although I don't know all of those above.

Remember anything from the "managed C++" era is so outdated it is worthless.

You will have to restrict yourself to WinForms GUI programming or learn enough C# to use that for the GUI if you intend using WPF. C++ is not and never will be a WPF language.

Andy Dent