I wrote a function for the Haar wavelet transformation given that the input is a List with a power of 2. I was trying to error check by making sure that the length of the List is a power of 2 before preforming the transformation. I am comparing the log base 2 of the length of the list to see if it comes out evenly (nothing to the right of the decimal point). I think there is something going on with the if statement in haskell that I am not used to in other languages. It works perfectly if I don't error check and just call haar with the proper argument.
haar :: (Fractional a) => [a] -> [a]
haar xs = if logBase 2 (fromIntegral (length xs)) /= truncate (logBase 2 (fromIntegral (length xs)))
then error "The List must be a power of 2"
else haarHelper xs (logBase 2 (fromIntegral (length xs)))
haarHelper xs 1 = haarAvgs xs ++ haarDiffs xs
haarHelper xs level = haarHelper (haarAvgs xs ++ haarDiffs xs) (level - 1)
haarAvgs [] = []
haarAvgs (x:y:xs) = ((x + y) / 2.0) : haarAvgs xs
haarDiffs [] = []
haarDiffs (x:y:xs) = ((x - y) / 2.0) : haarDiffs xs
I am getting the following error message:
Ambiguous type variable `t' in the constraints:
`Floating t'
arising from a use of `logBase' at functions.hs:52:13-48
`Integral t'
arising from a use of `truncate' at functions.hs:52:53-99
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
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