



I have recently developed an HTML5 jQuery plugin and I'm having trouble removing the red border on required fields in FF4 beta.

I noticed that FF applies this border/outline in required fields and removes it when value is set. The problem is that I am using the value attribute to emulate the placeholder attr in older browsers. Therefore I need all inputs with this feature to not show the red line.

You can see the problem in the demo page of the plugin here

+2  A: 

There's some new pseudo selectors for some of the new HTML5 form features available to you in CSS. You're probably looking for :invalid. The following are all fromm the MDC Firefox 4 docs:

  • The :invalid CSS pseudo-class is applied automatically to elements whose contents fail to validate according to the input's type setting

  • The :-moz-submit-invalid pseudo-class is applied to the submit button on form fields when one or more form fields doesn't validate.

  • The :required pseudo-class is now automatically applied to fields that specify the required attribute; the :optional pseudo-class is applied to all other fields.

  • The :-moz-placeholder pseudo-class has been added, to let you style placeholder text in form fields.

  • The :-moz-focusring pseudo-selector lets you specify the appearance of an element when Gecko believes the element should have a focus indication rendered.

fixed!!! at the last minute
i set up the -moz-mox-shadow property to 'none'.
u guys are the best!
You should really check his answer as "the answer", and give him an up arrow, that's how this site works. Doing that would be a big thanks :D