Hey guys, I'm just doin' practise Program to read,write data to Access DB in C# and i'm having a problem in writing data to Access DB though i'm able to read data i.e fetchin' is working fine but when i insert data my "ExecuteNonQuery" is working fine i mean without ne error but when open the Access DB the data is not there.... here is the code what m tryin' to do...
//// Function For ExecuteNonQuery
public static bool ExecuteNonQuery(string Query)
OleDbCommand oledbCommand = new OleDbCommand(Query, connection);
if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
if (oledbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception)
return false;
This below code is for Adding Data which gets fired on "Add" Button Press
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
simOperator.aim_network_name = txtAimNetNm.Text;
simOperator.network_id = txtOxiNetID.Text;
simOperator.network_name = txtNetName.Text;
simOperator.pack_id = txtPackID.Text;
simOperator.pack_name = txtPackName.Text;
public void fillText()
txtResult.Text = "";
SimOperator[] simOperatorList = SimOperator.GetAllOperators();
foreach (SimOperator sm in simOperatorList)
txtResult.Text += Program.operator_id + " " + sm.aim_network_name + " " + sm.network_name + " " + sm.network_id + " " + sm.pack_id + " " + sm.pack_name + "\r\n";
Here's the "Add" Function
string Query = string.Format("insert into {0}({2}) values({1});", calledObject.Name, PropertyValue,PropertyName);
Actuall SQL query is:
insert into SimOperator(aim_network_name,network_id,network_name,pack_id,pack_name) values('FiveNet','2563','FiveNet-Kurla','1236','5236');
Yeah and My Connection String
static OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"]);
App.config file contains string as
add key="ConnectionString" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\AutoMobileRecharge.mdb;User Id=; Password=;Persist Security Info=True"
The thing m not getting is I have put a Text-Area just beside all the inside fields textboxes so that i can see what is getting inserted, so when insert data that text-area shows the data perfectly but when i open the access db, then theres no data in that, when i close my application and again i ran it then that text-area is empty...this sounds wierd to me.. Any one outthere have faced this kind a problem please help me out here..