





  1. I have written a very simple socket server.
  2. It listens in post 63254.
  3. First i did a socket_create, socket_bind, socket_listen so here a connection is listening.
  4. Then in a loop i do the socket accpet. so here another listen.
  5. the read function reads untill i input exit.
  6. after that the resource id by socket_accept closes.
  7. and then the main connection closes.

when i checked this process in TCPview after closing all connections i can still see the system process showing TIME_WAIT for post 63254

if i again run the socket server program it is connecting and when one full process is over all the connection is closed and the program terminated and now i can see another TIME_WAIT for the same port. but still i could connect to the same port the third time.

in stackover question answer it is said that connection cannot be done for port which is in wait state.

I opened firefox browser it opened 4 connections. when i closed it all closed and the system process showed 4 time waits for 2 minutes. all time wait stays for 2 minutes and disappears.

so what i conclude is for every connection close the time wait is occurs and cannot be avoided.

i read many posts in stack overflow flow but still wasn't sure of it.

i run the following code in command line.

My server Code


$str = '';
$buff = '';

$s = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if(!$s)die('Unable to create socket');

    die("\nTrying to Bind: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error()));


        $acc = socket_accept($s);
//      echo "\n".gettype($acc);

            $str = socket_read($acc,512);
            $buff.= $str;
            echo $str;
//          echo '::'.gettype($str);


//      if(!socket_shutdown($acc,2))echo socket_strerror(socket_last_error());  
//echo "\nConnection closed by server\n";   
//if(!socket_shutdown($s,2))echo socket_strerror(socket_last_error());

The client code

    $f = fsockopen('',63254,$a,$b,10);
    if(!$f)die('cannot connect');
    echo "\nConnected: \n";
        $buff = fgets(STDIN);   

need suggestions to improve a better client server if this is not sufficient. this code is just a child's play. just trying to understand the way communication works.


In stackover question answer it is said that connection cannot be done for port which is in wait state.

I don't know what answer you're referring to, but you cannot bind to a port which is in TIME_WAIT state. If you are a server you can use setReuseAddress() to overcome this. If you're a client you have to wait, or use a different outbound port, or best of all don't specify an outbound port at all, let the system find one. You are a server so this doesn't apply to you.

I opened firefox browser it opened 4 connections. when i closed it all closed and the system process showed 4 time waits for 2 minutes. all time wait stays for 2 minutes and disappears.

But those are client ports. Outbound ports. At your server they were inbound ports, and there was also a listening port on the same port number. As long as there is a listening port, an inbound connnection can succeed.

so what i conclude is for every connection close the time wait is occurs and cannot be avoided.

TIME_WAIT occurs when you are the end that sends the close first. If you are the end that received the close, and closed in response, your port doesn't go into TIME_WAIT at all.

oh. a lot of information i have got. i need to process your answer. need some time. besides. the above code exits properly and i can see one time wait for 2 mins. Is that normal. the first code is the server and the second one is the client. I did not know that i have caught a big fish.
Jayapal Chandran
I told you what is normal. I don't know what fish have to do with it.
ah. big fish means i have got a lot to work with and i have got a lot of information form you. big fish = more than expected information.
Jayapal Chandran
so, according to your last para i need my code not to enter into a time wait. could you suggest what is missing in my code? and still i can see many time waits in TCPView. does that mean that programs like firefox are letting the time wait occur?
Jayapal Chandran
since the information is new for me to analyse i posted the same question in codeproject (http://www.codeproject.com/Messages/3621673/socket-program-is-able-to-connect-to-the-port-whic.aspx) and got a response which was clear. and i am analyzing this answer and checking with the documentation and meanwhile i found that what EJP said was correct but i need to still understand many concepts in his response. meanwhile i am waiting for some more days for others to give in their suggestions. just expecting as stated by stack overflow tips for getting an answer. hasta luego.
Jayapal Chandran
Answer to what? You've had the correct answer. You don't even have a problem. The system is working as designed.