$('.Editcoupon').click(function() {
var strRef = '';
var strid = '';
var strSelectedval = '';
strRef = $(this).attr('ref');
strid = $(this).attr('id');
strqueryvalue = $(this).attr('ref').match(/Defaultcoupon=([0-9]+)/)[1];
$("#Coupondialog-modal" + strid + strSelectedval).dialog("destroy")
$("<div id='Coupondialog-modal" + strid + strqueryvalue + "' title='Click here to move' style='display:none;'><iframe src='" + strRef + "' width='740' height='457' frameborder='0' style='border:none;' id='vehicleIframe'></iframe></div>").appendTo('body');
$("#Coupondialog-modal" + strid + strqueryvalue).dialog({
width: 750,
height: 502,
resizable: false,
autoOpen: false,
//buttons: { "close": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } },
modal: true
$("#Coupondialog-modal" + strid + strqueryvalue).load();
$("#Coupondialog-modal" + strid + strqueryvalue).dialog('open');
the above is code to open a UI dialog of jquery where iframe is dynamically injected to body tag,which on click of a href tag ,for first time iam able to open dialog & close ,again when iam trying to open dialog ,close it using below code
window.parent.$("#Coupondialog-modalloadcoupons" + offerid+count ).dialog('close');
it is not closing the dialog ,which iam trying to call a client function on click of the Asp.net button event.
can any one please guide me ?