Check the following link in Chrome: http://www.bavarianblue.com/parts-list/?tags=struts
The site is totally jacked in IE - need to fix a bunch of CSS.
I use the follow Javascript to perform the animation (uses jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min.js);
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //required for $ to work in Wordpress
var moo = $(".tags").attr("rel");
if (moo == ""){
}else {
var scrolling = $("."+moo).offset().top-100;
$.scrollTo(scrolling, 800, {easing:'swing'} );
$('.'+moo).animate({backgroundColor : "#4c4c4c", color : "white"}, function() {
$(this).animate({backgroundColor : "#dcdcdc"}, function() {
$(this).animate({backgroundColor : "#4c4c4c"}); //animation wasn't completing chain, thus all the nested functions. });
$('.'+moo+' a').animate({color : "#ed9925"});
Any clue why it doesn't work? Not getting any errors in FF...
As @Chouchenos pointed out, a script type wasn't declared, and I didn't close the tag. However, now FF doesn't generate an error, but the animation (changing the BG and the scroll) doesn't work.